Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems

Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems    

They Can Also Sinus And Ear Infections    

Adenoid glands are part of the immune system and are located behind the nose. They help to trap germs that access the body through the nose or the mouth. They fight infection, causing the glands to grow, resulting in snoring and breathing problems – however, they can remain enlarged, even when the infection is cured. The adenoids increase in size in children until they are 6 years old, and then begin to decrease, disappearing when they are 16. There are cases in which they don’t decrease and remain with a large size until adult age. Besides infection, there are other causes that enlarge the adenoids, such as allergies, excess pollution, or smoking. Since these glands are located behind the nose, a doctor requires a special mirror to determine if they are enlarged. Some of the symptoms of enlarged adenoids are snoring, interrupted and restless sleep, breathing through the nose, bad breath, and ear infections, among others. Usually, enlarged adenoids can be treated with antibiotics, but in the case of children, they might require surgical removal if there are frequent sinus or ear infections. More info click here.


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